Reels and Shorts

OMG. The party is on. Are you making vertical reels yet? Its to the point now that horizontal videos don’t even matter anymore. Hot take? Consider this: 90% of the internet is being consumed on mobile devices these days. Not desktops. So the screen sizes we stare at every day are dictating how we consume content. In order to maximize the viewing area of our phone which we hold vertically, creators must make videos 9x16 to fit the entire screen for our enhanced pleasures. Instagram has been telling us advertisers this for over a year: Reels outperform all other kinds of posts. Reels also go to more non-followers so you have a better chance of growing with Reels than Stories which are served to mostly followers you already have.

YouTube understood this Instagram phenomenon and genuine threat so they came up with their version of vertical videos called “Shorts”. We posted 10 shorts yesterday on our own YouTube Profile and earned 1k views organically in 24 hours! WE HAVE NEVER SEEN ORGANIC PERFORMANCE LIKE THIS ON ANY PLATFORM IN YEARS.

The point is…we all need to be making vertical videos above anything else in our social media. As always, they have to be creative and interesting in order to achieve decent performance but that is literally why Lot 22 exists. Not everyone can come up with clever or entertaining ideas. Some are more gifted than others and some are genuinely talented at editing or production. We are those people. Dont ask us for medical help because we are not good at that and most of us cant stand the sight of blood. But, if you need a gory Halloween campaign or bloody Valentine graphic, we are your team. If you arent making vertical videos for your brand, than you need to just hire us. Take advantage of this unique time in digital marketing which only comes around every couple of years. We are in a sweet spot right now. Go, go, go while it lasts!

Gordon Stewart

After a long career in the car business and the top volume Dealer in the State of Alabama for the last 20 years, Gordon had the chance of a lifetime to retire at 50 and focus on his love for marketing and helping others. Spending a million a year of your own money can make an expert out of anyone perhaps. But armed with a graphic design degree, and a penchant for creativity, along with tremendous experience in running his own social and search campaigns, he is uniquely qualified for this adventure. Perhaps more qualified than anyone you will ever meet.

Secrets to a Good Website.